Vinome offers an exceptional wine experience. Thanks to a DNA test, you will be able to know which wine is made for you …

Oenology has been evolving rapidly in recent years and many revolutions are underway in the field. A domain that was initially subjective where the wine had to be tasted in order to derive its profile has now become a real science boosted by new technologies.

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An American company has just launched a whole new concept of online wine sales. It offers - simply - analyze your DNA and send you a bottle of wine that sticks to your skin so much that you can only love it.

If this method actually works, you can say goodbye to endless minutes spent in front of the wine section of your supermarket. Your little yoga session to contort yourself in all directions to read the labels of the bottles will be nothing but a bad memory.. White wine, rouge, rosé, sparkling wine and other wines from around the world, who really knows the wine that suits him best ? Really not many people and it's not a shame.

Vinome – DNA analysis to choose the wine

wine blog fine wines oenology tasting vinome adn innovation

The company behind this beautiful promise is called Vinome, born from the contraction of the word wine and genome. By making the request, you receive at home a complete saliva DNA sampling kit worthy of the Experts, that you send back to the company for analysis. The company emphasizes the playful nature of the process, but do not lack seriousness. Vinome has partnered with the Helix company, the subsidiary of the largest DNA sequencing company in the world : Illumina.

Since 15 years, Illumina sells machines capable of rapidly decoding the human genome. Medical researchers around the world are using them. But the company now wants to conquer the consumer market. That's why she spent 100 million dollars to launch Helix, who teams up with application developers who can find creative ways to use a customer's genetic data.

The laboratory isolates 10 genes in your DNA representing your "taste signature", starting with TAS2R38, which conditions a taste receptor. eh yes, it looks like your tastes are written in your genetic profile. Welcome to the 21st century !

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A beautiful wine that suits your tastes perfectly

Once the analysis is done, the company selects based on the results, the bottle that suits you. You get the point, wine will be different from person to person since we do not all have the same DNA. Wooded, mineral, powerful, red or white, the wine is selected to perfectly match the results of the analysis.

wine blog fine wines oenology tasting adn vinome innovation

Barely born innovation is already dividing : "It's just completely ridiculous, comments geneticist Jim Evans. I put this in the same category as DNA dating. Not enough is known about the genetics of taste to speak of accuracy. "

For the CEO of Vinome, Ronnie Andrews "We wouldn't be risking our reputation by making this offer if we didn't feel like we were offering something that cannot be scientifically defended, or that was not an amazing and funny experience. "

The bottle is then sent to you for "only" 65 dollars, that is to say 59 €. A price that will encourage more than one in moderation. At this price, no question of drinking it at the end of the evening with a cigarette in your hand and 3 grams in the blood.

This new form of oenology close to science fiction arouses a lot of skepticism. Is this the future of oenology ? Does our DNA really define our tastes ? And you, what do you think ? Do not hesitate to give your opinion in the comments area !

Jean-Nicolas Mouretin

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