What allows some couples to maintain each other for a lifetime, despite the weather ? Beaux-Vins tells you all about the benefits of wine for your couple !

To couples all over the world, if you want to stay with your other half, drink together ! This is not me saying it, but it is indeed science that says it. Always, the man tries to find the secret recipe that makes a couple last over time. Could it be communication, common points or even parts of the legs in the air ?

happy couple wine glass

It would seem that no. The reality is rather in the consumption of alcohol according to the study published in The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Series. According to this scientific study, couples who drink together have a longer, better quality relationship than those who never drink. This information is even more true for wives !

Let's live happily, let's live drunk ?

This study shows that couples over 50 years consider their marriage "happy" if both spouses drink together or both abstain. Conversely, if only one of the two drinks and not the other, the couple are more likely to admit that they are not satisfied with their marriage.

This scientific study - very serious - raises some rather surprising conclusions. It turns out that more than half of couples drink together. Men are also more likely to drink than their wives and women complain a lot more when one partner is not drinking. ! Women who drink with their husbands are less likely to talk about the negative aspects of their marriage : if they drink alone, or on the contrary stay sober while husbands drink, they more easily evoke the difficult moments of their relationship. "Women who have reported drinking alcohol feel more fulfilled over the years when their husbands drink with them", note the researchers.

happy couple wine glass

To carry out this study, scientists have followed 2,767 married couples for ten years since 33 years on average. It was a first marriage for the 2/3 of them. Researchers asked couples how many times a week they drank and how much alcohol was consumed. Thereafter, they asked participants if they thought their partners were "irritating, too critical or too demanding ”.

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"It seems that couples who share these leisure activities together have a better marriage", University of Michigan's Dr Kira Birditt told Reuters. "The study shows that the most important thing is not what they drink, but the fact of drinking in itself ! "

Not too much need

For Dr Kira Birditt of the University of Michigan, alcohol consumption is becoming a problem in the elderly. Especially since the arrival of the "Baby boomers" generation in this age group which is much more liberated on alcohol consumption. The study nevertheless reveals that 20 % men and 6 % of women interviewed had a serious problem with alcoholism.

Do not forget : if you want your couple to last, drink a small glass of wine from time to time together.

Jean-Nicolas Mouretin
The study in question :

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