With Tinder, it's always nice surprises. We come across everything and nothing - especially nothing —. But for once, there is something interesting there since it is wine. A user of this dating app some time ago impersonated a burger, but this time it's a man's turn to pretend to be a glass of red wine.

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Tinder is the mobile app for many singles looking for love. For the night or for the life, this app is an opportunity to meet other singles - and some are to be avoided —. It looks a lot like a court of miracles, but version 2.0 — touch my bump monseigneur —. The proof is that there is also food and drink. In other words, a little bit of everything and anything.

There is little, a young Californian named Patty pretended to be a burger and more 1000 people had "matched" her profile to find out more about this lovely, love-seeking sandwich.

This time, a man in turn tries the experiment by pretending to be a glass of red wine. His description is both naughty, funny and succulent. The glass of wine explains in it that he wishes to "interfere with" the person reading the description, that it can sometimes be sweet or fruity, that he spent part of his life sequestered in a barrel and that he doesn't really want to talk about it. Under this charming glass of wine is in truth hiding Sean Fahmy. He explains that some young women just wanted to know who was behind this profile while others were clearly excited to converse over a glass of wine..

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Finally, the young man got over 300 "Matches" per day thanks to this funny and quirky profile. Like what, wine still pleases as much.

Here is his profile, to inspire the most single of you :

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Jean-Nicolas Mouretin

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