According to the first estimates made by the statistical service of the Ministry of Agriculture, wine production is expected to amount to 44 million hectoliters in 2016. In 2015, the harvest amounted to 47,8 million hectoliters, either a decrease of 8 %. The harvest of 2016 is less than 4 % the average observed over the last five years.
The ministry indicates in its conjuncture note that this drop over one year in production is mainly due to the spring frost which affected many wine-growing areas. : Champagne, Burgundy and Loire Valley. The hail also caused enormous damage in Charente, in Burgundy and Beaujolais.
Small dictionary of terms to know
Vegetative cycle of the vine
Flowering : it takes place in June and lasts a very short time, ten days maximum. It is a very delicate moment which ends in fruit set or fertilization. If the weather is wet and cold, we risk the coulure, that is, the fall of the flowers and the non-fertilization of the eggs. The earliness of certain grape varieties, especially the chardonnay, makes them vulnerable to this condition.
Fruit set (vegetative cycle of the vine) : fruit set occurs as soon as flowering is over. The latter takes place in June and lasts a very short time, ten days maximum. It is a very delicate moment which ends in fruit set or fertilization. If the weather is wet and cold, we risk the coulure, that is, the fall of the flowers and the non-fertilization of the eggs. The earliness of certain grape varieties, especially the chardonnay, makes them vulnerable to this condition.
Diseases kill production
Mildew : disease originating in America. Downy mildew is present everywhere in the world where the vine is cultivated and where the climatic conditions are favorable.. It is caused by a fungus Plasmospora viticola responsible for a fungal disease of the vine which develops on all green organs : twigs, leaves, bunches, tendrils.
Red pig : name given to a mildew attack on berries. The barely formed berries are covered with white dust. When the already developed fruits wither, we then speak of brown burp.
Sag : natural phenomenon that occurs at fruit set and is the cause of the loss of a certain percentage of flowers : the coulure. These unfertilized or poorly fertilized flowers fall or sink. Accidental sag, which amplifies the natural phenomenon, sometimes leads to a considerable reduction in production potential.
Production : the situation in wine regions
In Champagne — mainly in the Aude —, the vineyard suffered several days of frost this spring and the production was destroyed on more than 4,600 ha. Diseases - mildew and gray burp - attacked the vines. Result, the vineyard is one week behind the ten-year average. Production is expected with a decrease of 32 % over a year.
In Burgundy and Beaujolais, the frost caused great damage to the vines. The frost hit more than 10’000 ha of the Burgundy vineyard at the end of April. The Côtes de Beaune and the Côte Châlonnaise, as well as parts of the Yonne are strongly impacted by this bad weather. Several episodes of hail also caused significant damage in the north of Beaujolais and in the south of Mâconnais. In Beaujolais, although the flowering went well, vegetation is lagging behind normal. The pressure of late blight in these two regions is still very strong. Production is planned with a decline of 23 % over a year.
In Alsace, the presence of mildew is very important. However, the vineyard clusters are in the fermentation stage. Estimated production is higher than last year's production : good news for Alsace.
In Savoy, although the risk of disease is high, the production potential remains high.
In the Jura, coulure as well as mildew affect the vineyard and should have significant consequences in the region.
In the Loire Valley, the frost hit the vineyard at the end of April with losses expected between 10 to 50 % and the presence of mildew is important. The vegetation is lagging behind 10 days with fruit set just starting. A drop 32 % over one year is planned for the production of the region.
In the Charentes, the hail at the end of May affected 7% of the vineyard, or 5’000 has vines. Although flowering is going well, there are fewer clusters. Production should therefore be lower than last year, although the useful water reserve of the soil is important. The mildew has also attacked the vineyard here, but this disease is under control in the area.
In the Bordeaux region, the clusters are numerous with a relatively homogeneous development of the vineyard. However, the vines are lagging behind compared to last year. Downy mildew attacked the vineyard, but stay under control. The water reserve of the soils is important. In the rest of the Southwest, bunches are also in abundance, but the flowering is heterogeneous. Downy mildew is once again present.
In Languedoc-Roussillon, the vineyard is slightly behind compared to 2015. Although the output of the bunches is at a good level, coulure affects Grenache and Merlot grape varieties in certain areas. Some specific areas have suffered damage from frost and hail, but without much impact on production. Disease damage is limited. Production in the region is forecast with a very slight decrease of 1 % compared to last year.
In the South East, the output of the bunches was generous and the flowering went well. Unfortunately, the frost at the end of April caused damage to the Protected Geographical Indication plots, especially in the Var. Moreover, the water reserve in the PACA region is in deficit and the coulure has affected - essentially - Grenache. Downy mildew is present in some places. According to the departments, the situation is contrasted.
In Corsica, disease pressure is strong, but production should be equivalent to last year.
It is important to have a finish
After a cool and wet spring, as well as a summer that does not come, the season is late everywhere and late blight attacks crops in many regions. The only positive element to note for the coming harvest lies in the good water reserves of many regions compared to 30 last years. Provence and Languedoc serve as exceptions to this national rule.
Jean-Nicolas Mouretin
Source : Wine production 2016 estimated, in mid-July, down from 2015
Read also :
- Map of french vineyards
- Infographics : Which city consumes the most wine in the world ?
- Infographics : decryption of the world wine trade in 2015
- Infographics : decryption of wine exports in 2015
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