The INSEEC Wine and Spirits Institute wondered which city could consume the most wine in the world and published its list of 10 the world's leading wine-consuming cities. Without wanting to boast, it is ... Paris which is at the top of the ranking, suivi from Buenos Aires, the agglomeration of the Ruhr, London and New York.

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The infographic of the wine in question

We decipher the information

Le podium du classement des agglomérations les plus consommatrices de vin est essentiellement occupé par les très grandes villes avec 3 to 19 millions d’habitants. Bon nombre sont d’ailleurs des capitales. Sur les dix villes apparaissant dans ce classement, la moitié sont des capitales, le reste de très grandes agglomérations comme Milan, Los Angeles et Naples.

La consommation du vin s’est développée et se développe toujours dans ces grandes villes où « sont nés, for example, le développement de la consommation de vin au verre dans les restaurants ou les bars à vin, le succès des vins rosés ou le fort développement de la consommation des vins effervescents du monde entier. It is also in these large agglomerations that the trends of tomorrow are made ", specifies Jean-François Ley, Director of INSEEC Wine And Spirits Institute.

5,3 million hectoliters of wine consumed in Paris in 2015

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According to this classification, it's not Bordeaux or even Lyon - as we say at home, in Lyon flow three rivers : " The Rhône, the Saône and Beaujolais… " - where wine flows freely, but well in Paris. This position of undisputed leader in France is explained by the phenomenon of urban macrocephaly in our country.. You didn't understand what I just said ? This phenomenon is the configuration of a space largely dominated by a single pole concentrating population, activities and functions to the point of slowing down or even preventing the assertion of secondary poles.

The weight of the Parisian metropolis across France is a typical example of macrocephaly, France being one of the few countries in Western Europe with a macrocephalic urban system. Jean-François Gravier's book "Paris and the French Desert" largely took up this idea.. In cases of particularly pronounced macrocephaly, we sometimes speak of megacephaly or hypercephaly. This is the case of Mexico, which alone concentrates a third of the population of Mexico. If Paris intramuros has 2’250’000 inhabitants, the Paris area has more than 10,550,350 inhabitants, almost one in six French people.

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blog vin Beaux-Vins oenology tasting which city consumes more wines statistics countries

Importing wine into urban areas

Some cities in the ranking seem more open to the diversity of wines. Some cities are more open than others to wine consumption. The Ruhr basin, London, New York and Los Angeles are marked by competition between brands and domains on a global scale. Conversely, Paris, Buenos Aires, Milan, Naples, Rome and Madrid are more "closed" since the wines consumed are almost exclusively national.

From now on, the world of wine should focus more on places of consumption rather than places of production. French studies devoted to wine often deal with production with the classification of producing regions., vintages or harvests, but rarely take an interest in the most important : the consumption.

You will certainly have noticed the absence of Asian cities. Yet, they should soon join the top 10 of the agglomerations that consume the most wine in the coming years since they "represent real potential for the future" according to Jean-François Ley.

Jean-Nicolas Mouretin
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