I knew a cat could be drugged - mine did a slug rehab… truthful -, but who could have imagined that they were also fine oenologists ?

A cat mysteriously disappears…

wine blog fine wines cat Aljosha alcohol wine
Aljosha the oenophile

This cute little white and red cat from 6 years, named Aljosha went for her daily walk. Its owner, Claudia von Büren, let him take a tour of the Aachen district, in the German city of Würselen. Except that here, the cat never came back. The owner of Aljosha then decided to print no less than 150 posters to find him, but without result.

… and is found round like a shovel tail

After seven weeks, the cat was found in a wine cellar a few houses away. To survive, he had managed to break three bottles of Riesling worth about 39 € to lap them. Seeing that her cat had the same reflexes as a drunk, her owner rushed to the vet.

wine blog fine wines cat Aljosha alcohol wine cellar

Aljhosha spent three days on a drip and eventually regained sobriety with an aversion to water all the same, being afraid that it is white wine.

The newspaper title Bild was all found : "Cat with hangover in clinic", a German expression that can be translated as "to have a cat" and which means "to have a hangover".

Remember that it is dangerous

Aljhosha was very lucky because alcohol can be fatal for a cat. The spokesperson for the RSPCA commented on the event to recall that "alcohol is toxic to cats and other animals, and can cause serious damage if ingested, even in very small quantities […] We ask pet owners to always keep an eye on their pets and when in doubt, it is vital to see a veterinarian immediately. While his chat had disappeared during 7 weeks, a German aged 54 years found it in a wine cellar … dead drunk !. "

wine blog fine wines drunk cat drunk Aljosha alcohol wine cellar

Let us also recall the instructions given by the Uncyclopedia concerning cats : " Indeed, if unfortunately you let your cat access the bar, he would not only serve himself beer, but wouldn't leave you a drop of whiskey, pastis, and so on. "

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Jean-Nicolas Mouretin

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