I took advantage of the Beaujolais Nouveau release yesterday to have a drink with a friend. She had done everything to be attractive on this evening : a beautiful dress, capped, made up, perfumed and had released her most beautiful lipstick for the occasion. I hesitated to tell her that she might be better off removing it, knowing how to put her lips on the immaculate glass, but I changed my mind.

Of course, the very sensual lipstick at the start came to stick to the glass. This very visible trace is a pain for women who appreciate wearing lipstick on all occasions.. The question then occurred to me : Should we choose between pleasing and indulging ?

wine blog fine wines oenology tasting lipstick red wines

Lipstick and wine : is it compatible ?

In the advice you often hear for preparing a tasting when you are a woman –or a man – are not to perfume, to tie your hair and not to wear lipstick.

We quickly understand why we should not use perfume for a tasting. Even if at the end of 15 minutes you no longer smell your own perfume, others still feel it because they are not used to it. Result, these odors can be annoying for everyone during the olfactory analysis.

For long hair tied back, the reason is just as logical. During a tasting, you drink wine and spit the liquid out into a spittoon. Imagine for a second, your hair soak in the spittoon, where people spit…

It is likely that there was a time when lipstick broke the taste of wine, but now that time is over. We must stop believing that women should not wear it when tasting. There is only one problem with wearing it : unsightly marks left on the glass.

wine blog fine wines oenology tasting red wine with lip trace glass

How to prevent it from settling on the glass ?

The answer is extremely simple, and yet few think about it. well, those who wear lipstick should lick the glass. Before you take a sip, try to surreptitiously moisten the place on the glass where you are going to drink. — I know what you are telling yourself … My answer is "yes, if a man is looking at you at this precise moment the situation can become extremely embarrassing.

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The reasoning might sound a bit silly and you might tell yourself that licking something in public and many times - Yes, it is necessary to re-humidify with each sip —. You can trust me, it works. The explanation for understanding this technique is more or less the same as having to shake the dressing : fat and water do not mix. And since most lipsticks are made from a combination of waxes, oils and fats - and some other chemicals that can be super bad for your body because you have to suffer to be beautiful —, it does not settle on a wet surface. What's a good thing to know these days, because they tend to be quite fat.

You can also use a Lip Stain, in French Lip ink, which acts more like a “temporary dye” and which does not stick. Once dry, it remains applied very gently on the lips. But if you're a lipstick fan, and you want to drink your little Burgundy Chardonnay without leaving any traces, the solution is simple : you have to lick. After, the method is up to you.

Champagne and lipstick

There is still a case where lipstick is a problem during a tasting: sparkling wines.

Physicist Gérard Liger-Belair from the oenology laboratory at the University of Reims conducted research on the effervescence of champagne. By carrying out his experiments, he realized a surprising thing : the glass of champagne of some women systematically foamed less than that of others. Like any good scientist, he sought to understand this strange phenomenon. The reason is actually quite simple. Lipstick contains fats that make bubbles burst much faster than normal.

Jean-Nicolas Mouretin

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